What makes Iceland's success story?
There are times when 1+1 doesn't equal 2. In the case of the national football team of Iceland the formula looks more like 1+1 > 2. Couple of really brief thoughts, why they are THE team everybody is talking about.
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Sports coach - only a brilliant strategist or also a leadership genius?
Close your eyes and give yourself ten seconds to think about a very successful sports coach and three of the qualities that make her or him stand out. You don't have to say those qualities out loud, but I believe that I'm not that much off here when I presume that two of the words that did pass through your mind were role model and motivator.
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The body does what the mind will tell - why an athlete needs coaching?
As an athlete your have only one goal - to be better tomorrow than you are today and to be better day after tomorrow than you are tomorrow. Better than all the others toeing the starting line with you. To be the best.